Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mass abduction by extraterrestrials in Missouri by Cpl. Steven Grant

A Witness in Missouri has reported about mass abductions by extraterrestrials that have been occurring in the region. The Witness talks about possible communication with alien beings on May 4, 2013 at midnight. The Witness has experienced a LIII type abduction.

This report has been obtained from a testimony included in the database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), published on May 13, 2013.

The Witness describes what he saw.

“I would like to start off by telling you that about 3 weeks ago I saw an unidentified flying object that looked like a fireball in the sky. Up until two nights ago I always been a skeptic of aliens and UFOs. But now I feel lost and confused, that's why I reported it. .”

The Witness describes how he was abducted by aliens and found himself tied in a metal bed.

“Two nights ago as I was about to go to sleep I saw something in my room through the corner of my eye. I don’t remember going to sleep, It was like one second I'm awake next second I'm waking up. I remember waking up in a metal room and I was lying on a metal bed and I was naked and restrained.”

The Witness describes how he found that many other people, along with his sister, were also tied unconsciousness and naked on metal beds.

"I struggled to turn my head and I saw many people lying naked on metal beds just like the one I woke up on. I focused on one in particular which I realized was my sister, it seemed that everyone was in some state of unconsciousness.”

The Witness describes how he felt waking up naked and tied up on a metal bed.

“At that point I realized that something was very wrong and I was conscious of the scary situation I was in. The other people in the metal beds were unconsciousness.  I started to panic and tried to free myself because I was tied down.”

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